Sunday, March 01, 2009

Urban Bangalore, Ignorance is Bliss! OR knowledge is Power?

When I sit back and think how is that some are always cribbing in life or other way to say, why is that all don’t carry a positive attitude all time? I get varied replies flowing through my mind… but as I try and eliminate one by one, the topper of the list is probably in my view point “too much” is the word that appears in common for all of them.

Too much information/ knowledge, too much expectation, too much stress, too much worry etc etc. I recently heard of two-brain hemorrhage one a young lady of 35. I head of diabetic in a 14 yr old, 29 yr old friend of mine is going through injections daily to improve his sugar level. Another one is shifting apartment with no idea where to go as job is lost due to recession, another one says I do not want to get married as I have no inclination towards it…. What is happening to people around me, of my generation.. Where are we heading in the name of PROGRESS? URBANIZATION. Have we gone too far in life and nothing interests us any further? Have we stretched ourselves unknowingly to the extend we have reached the rupture point and still not realizing the fact but moving ahead with same momentum…I guess we have over realized things and not ready to accept there can be a simpler life.

One of the bank add says with the context – think back in life what u want to remember and takes through some pleasant scenes which is like good times with family and friends in real bright pictured scenes… aren’t those the moments we wanted to cherish. Would I feel comfortable thinking back all that people, “ IN” and around me are going through? I doubt! My granny is on the bed at the age of 93 with memory loss but still fighting her way out with every single thing. Would I survive that time (I prefer not more than 70, that’s a different view all together though J), would I be able to be healthy like her at half her age? Would I be content like her? What makes the difference between me and her.. I have too much to eat than her, I have too much knowledge than her, I have too many avenues than her and I have over used everything around me than her. The current generation is referred to the “I” here.

I remember going to a doctor 2 yrs back for a discomfort I was facing. She went through my blood tests and said, well tell me what have u understood through your own research on the net? Which was true, the moment I had the report in my hand I got on net, checked everything that it said, got freighted and was looking at her to say some good things.. I had already stressed myself with the info for the last 48 hrs.. She just said close ur eyes wash out all that u read and relax… u will be fine on ur own over a period of time..I could not blindly trust her, went to another, searched some more on net, met with a couple of people tried to see what they say.. lost almost 2 kg in this process, but at the end of the day I never got convinced that, what others were saying was 100% that I was facing, thus the + or – of theirs did not match to me.. At the end of it.. went by the word the doctor said.. and yes as she said things all sounds fine now…had I blindly trusted her wld I have not saved my health for those months.. wld that 2 months not been pleasant to me. Would not have my granny believed her blindly and not done any research and lived happily even those 2 months. This is the difference between the current and the older generation. They were IGNORANT.
Our Indian traditions, cultural upbringing have always molded us to not ask many questions and not argue and make us be ignorant of many things, if I really trace back.. Why is the happiness level better in deprived people, why do the rural world are able to smile on a day to day basis.. why is the so called office going urban crowd fail to even give a smile to the one in the lift? We over do things.. we go to judge in the two min of lift drive- is this person st, wld he be a good boss, wld he do something to me, wld she be this / that… or other way around start thinking of something is wrong in OFFICE, how I fix that, what to do to the insurance,. Have I paid the tax.. we are failing to live the present. Was I ignorant of the future would not my tension be less.

How many of the persons who are exploring relationships content with one another? Everyone wants to start with blind trust, everyone wants to sacrifice for the other, but is not an expectation built with that, is there not a crack with that expectation just because it never gets fulfilled? Then I guess one starts with deep down thinking who is wrong and right and go through a down trend that is not needed. If expectations are not met does not one go to explore to on net what is that goes wrong, meet physchiatrist, not speak to family on it, explore if low libido is reason, am I attractive, what do I do to attract, read books on making relationship, checking rashi (sun signs) on TV channels and morning news paper to see what the day holds, paying some unknown astrologer, crystal ball reader and see what can be improved? Doubt ones own orientation.. we screw up ourselves… One of my friend just cld not take this loneliness thinking was having issue with orientation started visiting clubs, over boozed, surfed all things on net, started speaking to people who were in this fantasy world and dissatisfied today at the end of it..cause the cultural upbringing holds back from moving forward and the “extra” knowledge makes u believe that it is something different that is wanted. But is not this extra information, taking you somewhere to a virtual world? Assume a girl or a guy from a small town in this scenario. Take the example for people from interior of Salem or Rajasthan or uphill Darjeeling – first the person would not have known that if physically ok there can be something different, second, wld not have avenues to see how the world is different. Though who are by birth wld never want to live with the normal crowd and move out.. Thus the person gets into a normal life and leads.. But the urban world wld tag it different, call it birth rt, force u to free ur self and enjoy the freedom and end up forcing a fantasy world.. Is it considered as a Fashion or Social the hippy type that existed. In one of the call center a speech by council group had to be given because people started believing this is the world. India which has 50% population with 20-30 yrs stretch, is loosing something very important..Would not people been ignorant we have saved many from getting into this perpetual world that this young crowd believing themselves to be..

We need our people, we need our health, we need our relationships, we need the ecological balance, we need to be just what we have been brought into this life for by the universe. Live a simple life, be ignorant of the fantacies around you, live a normal life like our older generation for sometime in life- So what does one have to do, I guess in just normal words, one has to start thinking I am here for the very normal purpose I have been brought into the world than think too much of too many things.. Enjoy what you want to be. Be the change you dream to me for sometime atleast and experience the difference that it brings to your own life... for sure it would I believe..
Once upon a time I definetly said Knowledge is power, but too much of coffee beans is bitter as well, for the today world I wld only say - IGNORANCE IS BLISS in the urban world!

1 comment:

sundar.warnme said...

Rightly said words!!!