Friday, March 09, 2007

An unusual friday evening

What happens when u know that something that is not urs but owned by u is out of ur hands.. the first question: oops! what shall I answer the person who has given me this.. Suddenly the pressure shoots and u end up doing actually that u do not want to do and forget to do what u want to do (Murphy's law).....Very truly this is what happened to me today as I came across an unusual Friday evening and ruined by day...

Part I. (Monday).. after a lot of struggle with the BSNL guys to provide a broadband connection and mobile one in the place that I stay, n listening to their furious response to entertain customers after 2 pm I reach Hutch office n get the best service and an instant connection in 15 min....but when I go for the payments he asks for a xerox of my credit card.. hesitant my cvv number would be copied I look into the copy and request the person to scratch the same... well what if he remembers the no.. the fear remain for sure...its the office card u see, u become answerable for 2.5 laks...

Part II: (Friday) At 5.30 I get a confirmation from my travel desk that they cannot proceed with my bookings.. I try to desperately open the Indian railway for booking my ticket for the Sunday and realise that irrespective of whether it is reliance or BSNL there is no hopes for getting the ticket.. With just one train available and one day left I take no risk n ask my office assistant to help. She tries all her possible method and concludes that probably we catch up the counter in 20 min there is a possibility for one.. With just half hr left for the week closure I make a move to the counter.. after all it was on the way home.. well with not much wait in the Que I reach to the counter just to here that my Credit card that has my photo on it would not be returned to me... cause it is in the "hot List"....hmm be it hot cold or what ever.. did not understand what was happening to the card since I received payment confirmation just yesterday and had no dues...(well thanks to my mom who got my office address wrong which delayed the payment)...The only thing that came to my mind is Part I.. ho shaks who has misused my card.. what will I answer my office, who the hell is transacting on that...well I wanted to call up the bank but did not have the contact.. the person at counter refuses to give the card to me...well I should not have done this but with no ray of hope I call up office...declare the scenario n hang up.. well I should have got the no.. irrespective I make an attempt at the counter to read out the no..

Part III: A voice of citibank welcomes me with a warmth (thanks for being on priority banking service) did not have a long wait time... the person verifies few aspect and then demands the last few transactions.. man! where the hell i get them from...n believe me approximate transactions are not accepted u need to specify even the paise....God damid I ask them to stop any payments ongoing but was told a single repeated request to confirm my last two or any two transaction with date and time....put the person on hold, log on to laptop (thanks to self for not leaving the load in the vehicle). Murphy's law(repeat) well when u want the things to work they actually work in the opposite direction...and after 10 min confirm the details.. with all this pain I am just told that the delay in last payment has resulted in this and till a time a next report is not generated no onlline transaction can take place.. hmmm with a day left for travel and office card confiscated went crazy like any...the person at counter is not ready to compromise on his rule (thanks we c some govt officials still sincere) and the person at call center is not ready with any other solution...with a grt tussle block my card, agree for a payment of additional charge and issue of new.. well all this after making the payment...what a hell was this friday evening.. just to ensure that I make things simpler end up complicating the day.. but a grt lesson learnt...

Just ensure u have the following if u have a credit or debit and on travel

  • Never forget ur mothers maiden name

  • ur first mailing address that u have given

  • ur date of birth

  • tpin number

  • card number and cvv number

  • ministatement or last two transaction details - date, actual amount and transaction id of the receipt that u get

  • local contact number of the concerned card company

your evening would be merrier then...

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