Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Should I, Shouldn't I

Should I Shouldn’t I –
This photo of mine was posted with the subject line by one of my friend in her album… How true, how many times we come across such an occasion.. Should I, Should n’t I, Can I – would I, Yes – no, yes it is me – no not me at all, I would – I can’t – explosions always as we move thru the different stages of personality.
Remember reading transactional analysis.. Games people play.. clashes of the different personalities within us.. The child vs the Parent, sensible decisions done when one is in the adult stage… but is it possible to be in the adult mood always.. Should not one enjoy the child in one, should not one understand the care and love and responsibility one should share with the other – do we look down at others under the parental mode, for the good or bad of it. There is a constant tussle, turmoil that keeps happening within us. But how strong can one stay by ones decision.. Is it when ur not letting ur self to be induced with the thoughts in the surrounding, is it when we let it, is it when u do not have a soft corner to the person or situation ur in that calls for the solution or is it when u step aside the situation, keeping aside ur emotions and looking at it as a third person…..

Guess it is the last, do u call this the adult decision or a person who is emotionless or someone who is trying to run from the situation or a sensible move for the comfort of everything around or a subjective result…guess the outcome is subjective because of the fact that everyone do not look at the world through a single window but through various windows called their own perception…Does it depend in the state of the mind of the person (people) in the receiving environment… Lucky are those who have people with the same state of the three phases of the human on the other end or the one who influences the other to the state needed or when the two environments think by mind and heart with no compromises of the values and principles towards a common goal or output. Is this the adult – adult mood compatibility of the two environments or is it not….Damm who has the solution…………..
Should I end this now, should I continue----- ha ha the struggle continues….

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