Thursday, July 08, 2010

Do I need the glass?

At times its pondering time to hunt for a meaning that you know is non existent but want it, one still wants to think a hundred times to see if there is a ray of hope. The mind always refuses to accept failures. Isn’t during this time we commit more mistakes and ultimately end with no answer to a problem ahead. So what is wise – to wait, calm down and hunt for a solution with the maze ahead of u or shut the door and say a good bye or sit in the dark and feel lost. Its one’s own decision – all that others can do is let the person not fall down further, give in the assurance to come back with full life. Show a real picture that horizon is the limit and still there is more. What does the victim who is hunting for the answer look for? Positive environment, non empathetic but courageous people and probably atleast one shoulder to rest or a hand that holds tight and wipes the tear and provides that positive assurance in some form or the other which conveys I am there for you.

It’s rare that you get such a thing in life and it’s even harder when its no more in your reach and you just see some cold shoulders and rational things around. Then sits another problem around you how can people be so rational and unsupportive for you believed that was the only ray of hope, not just the maze in front of you. But to keep pondering with the weight in hand or to leave the glass of pain on the floor or to drop the glass down is one’s own choice. Don’t look for another hand to transfer or don’t assume another hand would pick from you.

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